Results for CES
Dress Details: 2013 IAWTV Awards Dress Details: 2013 IAWTV Awards Reviewed by Anton chang on 06.51 Rating: 5

Media Mondays

It's hard to get back into the swing of things after the holidays, but I'm doing it big.  It's going to be a busy 10 days with s...
Media Mondays Media Mondays Reviewed by Anton chang on 07.52 Rating: 5

IAWTV Awards-Tonight!

Just a quick post since as I write this I am en route from NAIAS in Detroit to CES/IAWTV Awards in Vegas.  Is that enough acronyms for you?...
IAWTV Awards-Tonight! IAWTV Awards-Tonight! Reviewed by Anton chang on 00.00 Rating: 5

Remembering Steve Jobs

At the Oscars with my iPhone 4. In December 1984, the big family Christmas gift was a Macintosh computer.  I spent my entire holiday vacati...
Remembering Steve Jobs Remembering Steve Jobs Reviewed by Anton chang on 20.59 Rating: 5
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