The Friday Five

Another week has come and gone so quickly because I am prepping for an overseas trip next week.  All of those important things you have to do for international travel:  passport,  converters for electronics, hotel, flights, my script (Yes, I am working over there.), and making sure my team is in place to take care of my house (Yep, there are people there, it's not an empty house), kitty, and my calendar while I am away. Before I go away, here are my favorites of the week, The Friday Five:

1.  Spy Kids:  I mentioned my interview with Jessica Alba a few weeks ago for Spy Kids: All The Time In The World.  They did the press junket a little early because of Jessica's due date.  She is now a proud mama of two.  Welcome to the world, Baby Haven!  See my interview for iVillage here.

2.  Disney: Earlier this week, I was on the Disney Burbank lot to see a screening of Fright Night.  Then I did a super secret interview for Disney on Wednesday. (More on that in October!)  Finally, this weekend, I am headed to their ultimate fan fest, D23, in Anaheim. I will be tweeting all day on Saturday, so be sure to follow me if you want to join the ride.

3.  Klout:  If you aren't familiar with Klout, but you are active in social media, it's time to check out this site.  It measures the amount of "klout" you have across multiple platforms in areas of expertise, interactivity, and influence. You will understand what I mean when I say, "I'm a 63".  To reward you for your "klout", the site will give you fun free items like my FOX VIP package which included a hoodie and a sneak preview of two fall shows, Terra Nova and New Girl.

4.  iPad 2:  Remember when I won this?  Well, it finally arrived 3 months later!  I appreciate the gift from Glimpsed, but their marketing company kind of dropped the ball on delivering the prize in a timely manner.  Either way, it is here and it will be with me all day at D23.  Thank you, Glimpsed!

5.  Hollywood: My super secret interview took place high up in Hollywood.  It is wonderful to see the city from this view from the awesome Santa Monica Mountains to the rooftop of the Kodak, there is nothing like Hollywood.

As the days dwindle on the dog days of summer, enjoy your weekend.  I will be back on Monday with my D23 coverage or follow me on Twitter if you just can't wait.

The Friday Five The Friday Five Reviewed by Anton chang on 01.20 Rating: 5

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