Finding an internship, let alone a job writing about fashion is one of the most difficult things to achieve and so when Blair (Leighton Meester) and Dan (Penn Badgely) get the opportunity to intern at W-Magazine they are prepared to do just about anything to stand out from the crowd.
If you put in the work and do it right, internships can prove to be a valuable experience, where you not only develop your confidence skills, but better your knowledge and fill up your contacts book.
And you can achieve all this even if you don't end up with the job at the end of it.
If you're lucky like Blair and Dan then interning at a fashion magazine can open your eyes to the glamorous world that only designers and priviledged journalists and editors get to step into.
The determined duo manage to attend events, write for their magazines blog and even have contact time with their editor-in-chief. And while you may think that these are rare opportunities, if you prove yourself, put yourself forward and don't be afraid to ask for something, then you never know what you may be asked to do.
It wouldn't be a hit drama if there wasn't a hefty dose of backstabbing, sabotage and betrayl thrown into the mix, but do your job properly and try not to step on anyones toes, then you're likely to glide through your internship with nothing but a glowing report at the end of it.
There maybe a sterotypical coffee or copier run every so often, but even the top had to start at the bottom. The best advice we can give is to suck it up and learn a little from each day on the job...
Top tips for interning:
1. Don't be afraid to offer ideas: If you're in a meeting with management try to get involved. The worst that can happen is that your idea is turned down. If you're paying attention to your surroundings and have a flare for fashion, you're likely to have something to offer.
2. Be prepared and punctual:Though the pages may be glossy a lot of blood, sweat and tears goes into making a magazine stand out from the crowd and you have to be prepared to put everything into achieving that high standard. Be prepared to be incredibly punctual, stay as late as needed and pick up on any little jobs that others may be too busy or have forgotten to go.
3. Never be short of ideas: A magazine and online platforms are busy places and often only have a few people to a section. Having a good bank of ideas will never go unnoticed rather than disturbing your colleagues for things to do all day.
4. Be confident. There is nothing wrong with knowing that you can do the job well. The trick is to show it with your work ethic and output rather than an arrogant attitude.
5. Learn: If you have the opportunity, try and make a meeting to speak with the editor of the magazine before the end of your internship. The contact time will prove invaluable to ask any industry questions you may have and getting as much useful information from a professional that will help you in your future career. It also shows willingness and stepping above the basic call of the job.
If you're looking for an internship then the best ways to stay ahead of the game are by keeping a healthy portfolio of articles you have written, in both fashion and other topics to show potential in different areas of journalism and by writing a regular blog.
The internet is a fantastic tool for getting your writing seen by vast audiences. The more you write, the more chance there is of somebody that matters seeing it, and it takes only one person to start the ball rolling.
Keep the blog professional in grammar and appearance as it is reflecting your future career not your social personality.
Good Luck!
Tips for fashion interns...
Reviewed by Anton chang
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