Women's Health Magazine Are You Game Photos: NY 2011

 I told you I was going to be working backwards this week on this blog.  So, last Sunday was my Emmys event in LA, but on Saturday, I was in NYC for the final Women's Health Magazine Are You Game? event of 2011.  It is always one of my favorite events that I host all year with a day filled with fitness, fashion, food, and freebies.  Everyone always has such a fun day and this year in NY, I had the opportunity to hit the stage with DJ Chela who spun some amazing tunes at the South Street Seaport.  The area was packed with fitness enthusiasts and tourists who stumbled upon the event and got a bonus....a glimpse at Louis Van Amstel of DWTS teaching his LaBlast dance class.  If you are in NY or Chicago, be sure to look for the event next summer and show off your strong, sexy body.

DJ Chela and me onstage at South Street Seaport.

 Louis Van Amstel teaching his LaBlast class. "Cha-cha-cha!"

Women's Health Magazine Are You Game Photos: NY 2011 Women's Health Magazine Are You Game Photos:  NY 2011 Reviewed by Anton chang on 17.14 Rating: 5

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