Holy Crap! Hunter Parrish Is Cute!!

This wasn't supposed to be my post for today.  I had a plan to start my "Best of 2011" today, but I changed my mind when I saw the video of Hunter Parrish singing "Beautiful City" from the current Broadway revival of Godspell.  It's no secret that I am involved with the show, but I thought it is the perfect message for this time of year.  We get so caught up in the holidays and it can be a very stressful time for so many families.  Our country has seen a tough economy continue, we've watched political parties battle each other for their own good, not the greater good, and the United States is anything but united.  So, do me a favor, take a moment in your busy day and listen to this incredibly moving song.  The reactions I received from posting this on my personal Facebook page included:

"The song is beautiful. I'm listening to it again right now."

"I am not a big fan of musicals, but that song you posted is unreal."

"Beautiful!  Thanks for sharing-I can't wait to see the show."

And the best one....
"Holy Crap!  Hunter Parrish is cute!!" (Indeed he is and he's in his underwear for the opening part of the show.)

So no matter what your personal beliefs are,  I bet you can believe in building a "Beautiful City"

Enjoy this song.....and let me know what you think in the comments below:

To purchase tickets to the show, click here.

To download the soundtrack on iTunes, click here.
Holy Crap! Hunter Parrish Is Cute!! Holy Crap! Hunter Parrish Is Cute!! Reviewed by Anton chang on 09.03 Rating: 5

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