Team Web Files: me, Perry Payne, Sandra Payne, Jenn Bobiwash
Finally, a huge "Congratulations" to the IAWTV organization and the Awards Committee for putting on a show that the web community deserves. I hope you all enjoyed a cocktail or earned it!
Being interviewed for
One of my favorite photos of the night: with Brian Rodda.
I giggled when I saw someone in the forums was looking for a "wardrobe malfunction". Silly rabbit, if you knew me better, you would know I tape everything down before I hit the red carpet.
I love these black and white shots by Kent Nichols.
Always be photo bombing. Me and the foxy Rick Fox with Misty Kingma.
Tamara Krinsky (my buddy from Stagedoor Manor!), Mark Friedlander, me, and Kevin Winston.
My Red Carpet Report cohort, Misty Kingma.
Team KB in full force at IAWTV Awards: Melanie Marquez of M4PR was a red carpet ninja on Thursday night.
I've interviewed her, now she's interviewed me. Paula Rhodes takes over my role on the red carpet. Nice work, lady!
Photos courtesy of Mingle Media TV, Brenda White, Jenn Page, Kent Nichols, Indie Intertube, and Digital Hollywood. They may not be used without my permission.
IAWTV Awards-We Won!
Reviewed by Anton chang
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