Getting Red Carpet Ready

I don't know how it is possible, but it is the night before the Oscars.  This week has flown by and I am sitting quietly on my couch trying to calm my nerves.  My team has assembled my wardrobe, makeup, jewelry, and hair look over the last several weeks.  I am so excited to see it all pulled together tomorrow morning as I sit back and start getting ready at 6:30 AM.  Yep, that's my call time.  It takes hours to get glamorous.  I've always said, it takes a village.......

Team KB hard at work.....Roni B and Charles Winston consulting over a few jewels.

This year we were fortunate to have my Oscars jeweler, Charles Winston,  in town to talk about red carpet looks and what we might see come Sunday.  Also, the infamous Roni B. talks about this year's Oscar look and how we pulled it all together. I'm glad we were able to do a fashion segment this year, so let's take a look at what it is all and a few hints about what I am wearing.

Which ring did I choose?  Find out in the video above. 

Awesome shot of Roni's store!
Getting Red Carpet Ready Getting Red Carpet Ready Reviewed by Anton chang on 21.45 Rating: 5

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