Julia Roberts Is The Fairest One Of All

A few weeks ago, I kicked off my Monday with an interview with Julia Roberts.  I was coming off of my Oscars high and I thought, "Could this get any better?" No, probably not.  Mirror, Mirror is charming, campy fun that twists the story of Snow White and makes her a strong, take charge kind of gal.  The prince on the other hand, well.....he's a little sensitive.  Check out my interviews with Julia Roberts, Lily Collins, and Armie Hammer as we talk about the paparazzi, dating in the spotlight (Hello, Zac Efron/Lily Collins!), and running around shirtless in the movie (Hello, Armie Hammer!).  I would love to hear your thoughts on my iVillage interviews and be sure to check out the article written by my iVillage colleague, Ali Gray.

Julia Roberts Is The Fairest One Of All Julia Roberts Is The Fairest One Of All Reviewed by Anton chang on 08.35 Rating: 5

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