Rock of Ages: The Interviews

If you are a musical theatre geek like me, get thee to the theatre this weekend to see Rock of Ages.  I promise, you will love it!  Check out my article for Fanboy Comics which includes an interview that I did for iVillage with stars Julianne Hough and Diego Boneta.  As a bonus, check out my interview with Catherine Zeta-Jones about who she modeled her politician wife might be surprised.

Fanboy Comics article here.

For excerpts of my interview with Malin Akerman, click here.  It was featured in the Father's Day piece for iVillage.

If you see Rock of Ages this weekend, leave me your thoughts on the film on Facebook, Twitter, or in the comments below.

Rock of Ages: The Interviews Rock of Ages:  The Interviews Reviewed by Anton chang on 09.36 Rating: 5

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