Bill Irwin and me. For further explanation, see my Facebook page.
To try and sum up last week would take a lot of explaining, so I am going to sum it up with a few words and more photos instead. It just was a really great week that defied my own personal and professional expectations. It's not often you get those opportunities, so you have to cherish and relish them at the same time. Here we go.......
A better shot of the look, minus the shoes.
With Chris Mulkey and Reamy Hall after the Q&A for Vampire Mob that I moderated. I don't know Reamy very well, but I feel like we should go out for Happy Hour. She's kind of awesome like that.
Photo courtesy of Vampire Mob.
The Web Files team rides again! Should we start a rumor? Here with Sandra and Perry Payne.
I like this shot because it is moody.
I went home and then someone called me back out to play. Along the way, I met Jesus. No, I'm serious, Jesus. Then the photo went viral. Read the story.
I "might" have stayed out all night thanks Bar Marmont and Mel's Diner. While Ryan Seacrest was starting his radio show, I was heading home. It was fun......but I did have an interview about 6 hours later where I ran into an iguana. We posed for photos.
This week stands to be just as much fun. Can you say Munich? What does this week have in store for you? Share in the comments below! I want to hear what you are up to.
Don't forget about Media Mondays:
6:30PM PT/9:30PM ET: Behind The Red Carpet Live on Spreecast.
7:35PM PT/10:35PM ET: Driving With Gass talking entertainment news with Kevin Gassman and Cindy Love. Listen in at #RadioBurtt on Twitter.
Jesus, An Iguana, And A Vampire Walk Into A Bar....
Reviewed by Anton chang
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