Weird and Wacky in Prague

I'm pretty sure he enjoyed this photo. 

Yesterday, I showed you some of the fun sites in and around Prague. Now, I am here to show you some of the wacky sites in the city.  I am warning you right now that a couple of the photos are Not Safe For Work (NSFW).  They certainly aren't pornographic, but I don't want to offend anyone, so this is your warning.  Enjoy the weirdness of Prague.......

Sculpture garden...what is this?  A hot dog?

Even from Prague, I was Eastwooding.....

 Exactly what you think it is......perfect souvenir for Mom?

 You can visit this place or The Torture Museum.....

 One of the sex machines in the lobby of the museum.  Look carefully, because the bottom unit spins around.  I did not go in, by the way.....

 Man's favorite pastime:  peeing on each other's territory....

 His penis is mechanical and moves up and down.  Yep.

 Big baby butts!

 Don't let your day turn out like this....

 Sinners all around me!

 Bad day at the office?

 I'm pretty sure I am possessed in this picture.

 The art of defenestration.  The Czechs have this mastered.

 Because posing by a door handle seemed like such a great idea at the time. 

 Kafka lived here.  This is my Kafka pose.

Look under his leaf.  Something is peeking out.  

Weird and Wacky in Prague Weird and Wacky in Prague Reviewed by Anton chang on 00.31 Rating: 5

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