What's In My Gift Bag?: Oz The Great and Powerful Edition

If you were following me yesterday on Twitter, I'm sure you caught a few of my Oz The Great and Powerful tweets.  For a Disney dork like me, it was absolute heaven seeing some of the props, costumes, and interviewing the cast for iVillage. (And dressing up like Glinda for a photo!) I am embargoed from talking about the film until March 6th, but I will give you the hint that I will be seeing it again.

I will have photos, interviews, and articles the first week of March for you. In the meantime, I thought it might be fun to go through the press gift bag.  Here's what I received:

A really sturdy branded tote with pockets.  Nice!

 A stuffed Finley monkey and a Theodora doll

 I'm not much of a T-shirt gal, but I love the print on this one.

 A zoetrope which is one of Oz's gadgets in the film. Cool! It's up for sale, too! 

This trio might be some of my favorites: Danny Elfman's soundtrack, a gorgeous book on The Art of Oz, and a catalogue of the merchandise partnership with HSN.  I'm hoping to do an article on the HSN line. It's stunning!

This is the most useful to me:  OPI-branded nail polish and Urban Decay makeup.  I'm thrilled I received the Glinda pack since we have the same coloring.
What's In My Gift Bag?: Oz The Great and Powerful Edition What's In My Gift Bag?:  Oz The Great and Powerful Edition Reviewed by Anton chang on 14.34 Rating: 5

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