Are You Looking For A Summer Internship?

If you are looking for a fun summer internship, look no further than what 20th Century Fox and Miller Lite are doing for two weeks this summer. In conjunction with upcoming comedy, The Internship, starring Vince Vaughn and Owen Wilson, the two companies are partnering up to offer four friend with are of legal drinking age to experience the job of a lifetime.

While your friends are slaving away in some boring and stuffy law office, you could be spending two weeks in an RV tricked out like a man cave with stops in Philadelphia, Charlotte, Milwaukee, Chicago, Dallas, Las Vegas, and Los Angeles.  How do some of these tasks sound?

  • Checking out the Miller Lite plant
  • Hitting a pool party in Vegas
  • Sitting in the pit for Brad Keselowski's team on race day
  • Walking the red carpet at the premiere of The Internship                                                                       
Ryan Reis, the senior director of marketing for Miller Lite said it best, "Our partnership with The Internship film led us to wonder, what would a dream internship with Miller Lite look like? Miller Time is all about great times over a beer with good friends, so the winners had to be a group of friends rather than an individual. And to deliver on the great times part of that equation, we are going to fill their internship with the type of experiences only Miller Lite can deliver.  

Here's how to enter:

  1. Go to the Miller Lite Facebook page to enter. You have until April 7.
  2. You must enter as a set of four and everyone in the group must be of legal drinking age.
From there a panel of judges will select 15 groups of finalists. Finalists will then be interviewed either video conference call or in person in Chicago.  The winners will hit the road with Miller Lite from May 17-May 30.

The Internship hits the big screen on June 7.

Good luck and be safe out there on the road!  Let me know if you win! (And ladies, you should can always redecorate that man cave.)

Are You Looking For A Summer Internship? Are You Looking For A Summer Internship? Reviewed by Anton chang on 08.21 Rating: 5

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