AfterBuzz TV DWTS, Week 6 Preview

This is when it gets tougher and tougher to book guests because the rehearsals become more demanding with group dances and the competition gets even stiffer. Everyone wants to win.

We had two great guests for you, but they had to pull out late last night due to rehearsal. We are hoping to have them on later in the season.

However, we still have the amazing Anna Trebunskaya with us this week and she choreographed two numbers while Stevie Wonder sang live.  I have to admit, I am pretty jealous because it was an incredible opportunity for the pros and celebs to work with a living legend.

So, here's the week to ask Anna your questions about choreography, about how the show is run, how the contestants feel at this stage of the game, etc.  Ask away! Use the comments section below to ask your questions. The comments section will be the ONLY place I will take questions for tonight's show.

A couple of things I want to note:
   1. Voting:  We talked a lot about it this week on Twitter. Some of you are having issues, but this is probably not a topic we will address on AfterBuzz since there are so many dance topics to discuss. Technology is not perfect, so there are often glitches in the online voting system. As @DWTSGossip pointed out, voting is NOT run by ABC. It is run by an outside firm to adhere to broadcast standards and practices.  If you have complaints about the system, contact ABC here. There is also a People magazine article about it here. (If there is time, we will try to address Twitter voting tonight. That topic makes more sense for this week's team dances/results.)

2.  Autograph Requests:  Thanks for watching the show and supporting us, we really appreciate it. Many of you have asked for photos/autographs from the AfterBuzz crew. We are happy to do it, but here's the process:

A. Print up a photo of your choice at this Pinterest page.
B. Send a Self-Addressed, Stamped Envelope and Photo to:
   Kristyn Burtt
   c/o M4PR
   11684 Ventura Blvd.
   Suite 213
   Studio City, CA 91604

Let me know if you have any questions. You can always find the contact information here, too. 

See you tonight at 9pm PT on AfterBuzz TV! Watch here.
AfterBuzz TV DWTS, Week 6 Preview AfterBuzz TV DWTS, Week 6 Preview Reviewed by Anton chang on 06.29 Rating: 5

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