AfterBuzz TV SYTYCD: Boston Auditions

The whole gang is back together this week as we talk about the Boston auditions. It's my hometown and the dance scene is fierce in that town. It's a city that really supports the arts and it shows! I think it's the best set of auditions we have seen in awhile on SYTYCD.

Many of you have asked when our guests will be coming on. We will start with guests once we hit the Top 20. It makes the most sense since we want our guests to be talking about the true contenders for the title. From everything I am hearing, there is only going to be one winner this season. I am happy with that change from the two winner-result last season.

We have had a ton of requests for specific guests. I keep hearing Witney Carson and Lindsay Arnold requested over and over. We will try our best to get both of them, but one caveat: Lindsay is not living in LA this summer. I will try and coordinate with her schedule if she happens to be in town, but that is where we stand with her situation. Finally, Anna Trebunskaya promised to come in. As many of you know, she was a great addition to our DWTS show.

If you missed the show, you can view it below or listen to the podcast. Thanks for making it the #10 most downloaded show on AfterBuzz TV last week!

And a big thanks to Kaitlyn for calling in to discuss the Boston auditions!

AfterBuzz TV SYTYCD: Boston Auditions AfterBuzz TV SYTYCD: Boston Auditions Reviewed by Anton chang on 08.33 Rating: 5

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