Results for #RadioBurtt
EFFEN Vodka Art Of Design Event EFFEN Vodka Art Of Design Event Reviewed by Anton chang on 00.00 Rating: 5

Watch and Listen!

Happy Monday, everyone!  I am a little slow to get my week started since I am still recovering from a dumb summer cold.  Who gets sick in Ju...
Watch and Listen! Watch and Listen! Reviewed by Anton chang on 11.16 Rating: 5

Kicking Off The Week

Weird Al Yankovic!!! Where the heck have I been?  Ah, sigh.  The old laptop crashed and I've been realizing how much I rely upon my elec...
Kicking Off The Week Kicking Off The Week Reviewed by Anton chang on 00.00 Rating: 5
Deep Fried Everything and the Bumble Bee Deep Fried Everything and the Bumble Bee Reviewed by Anton chang on 00.00 Rating: 5
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