Kicking Off The Week

Weird Al Yankovic!!!

Where the heck have I been?  Ah, sigh.  The old laptop crashed and I've been realizing how much I rely upon my electronics.  Well, I'm back on a new laptop and ready to kick off a CRAZY week.  Here's where you can find me:

1.  Behind The Red Carpet:  My weekly Oscar updates are being sent out to media affiliates across the globe.  You can find my insider's look at this year's nominees at the following sites:
Movie Geeks United
Fanboy Comics
Forces of Geek
Film Snobbery

2.  Driving With Gass:  Don't forget my weekly spot on the Driving with Gass show on  I am on Mondays at 6:35PM PT/9:35PM ET.  If you missed our recent coverage of the Oscar Nominations, you can listen in here.  Don't forget to follow each Monday on Twitter with the hashtag:  #RadioBurtt.

3.  The Gold Knight Blog:  Did you ever want to know how I became such an Oscar nerd?  Well, find out in this exclusive article on The Gold Knight Blog. They have got the inside scoop on all of my Oscar activities this year.

Me and Bruce Boxleitner who will next be seen in GCB

4.  The Annie Awards:  Yes, the 39th Annual Animation Awards happened over the weekend.  I told you awards season was busy.  It was a fun night that included 4 Oscar nominees, the voice of Winnie the Pooh, and Weird Al Yankovic!  Check out my interviews here with Red Carpet Report below:

Kicking Off The Week Kicking Off The Week Reviewed by Anton chang on 00.00 Rating: 5

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