Oz The Great And Powerful: The Interviews

The week is finally here!  I feel like my interviews with the cast of Oz The Great And Powerful were a million years ago yet, it was only the weekend before the Oscars.  This video has the whole cast explaining the one magical power they would like to have and how they would use it. I received some surprising answers. My iVillage colleague, Ali Gray, also wrote a companion article to this piece, so be sure to give her some love here.

If you missed my breakdown of the Oz The Great and Powerful gift bag, click here. They gave us a few really cool items that I am already using.

Are you going to see the movie this weekend?  Let me know what you think in the comments below.
Oz The Great And Powerful: The Interviews Oz The Great And Powerful: The Interviews Reviewed by Anton chang on 11.22 Rating: 5

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