Oz The Great And Powerful: The Mila Kunis Interview

My feet on the yellow brick road...

If you are planning on seeing Oz The Great And Powerful this weekend, walk, don't run, to the theatre.  It's a fun and colorful journey back to the Emerald City.  While it's not in the same category as the Judy Garland classic, this prequel gives the viewer some great backstory on how the Wizard came to be.

I have already written a couple of posts about the film. You can take a look at some of the fun Oz merchandise and also see my interview with the entire cast talking about the magical power they would like to have and how they would use it.

Below is a more extensive interview with Mila Kunis who plays Theodora in the film. We talked about life, love in Hollywood, and the dreaded paparazzi.  You can also see the companion article my iVillage colleague, Ali Gray, wrote for the piece here.

If you see the movie this weekend, let me know what you think in the comments below!

Oz The Great And Powerful: The Mila Kunis Interview Oz The Great And Powerful: The Mila Kunis Interview Reviewed by Anton chang on 00.00 Rating: 5

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